Friday 10 June 2016

Starry nights in Nefyn

I had a day recently, that took me right back to where I was before my degree, before any serious relationships or commitments, back to holly the young dreamer with an impulsive rebellious streak.

It was in the place where my heart often longs for, Nefyn. The day started perfectly, the sky was a hazy cornflower blue shrouded in sea mist, the heat almost felt exotic.

We went for our usual 10 mile circuit to the golf course, to the crowded bar on the beach, a lazy dip in the crystal turquoise sea, through winding country lanes with high hedgerows and singing birds.

It wasn't until later on that night that the real magic happened, despite the beautiful day. The air cooled, darkness came, and we stayed warm with drink and talk of happy memories. When the time came to wander back over to our caravan, my dad called me outside to take in my favourite sight.

And so there we stood.
Heads thrown back in an intoxicated awe, gazing at the stars above, feeling like precious little dots in a snowglobe adorned with twinkling Christmas lights.

My dad interrupted my philosophical bliss by pointing out the saucepan (or Orion for the savvy astrologers out there) constellation, and I knew this was a moment, just a small moment, that I would remember forever.

It was one of those silencing moments where you feel like the only person alive on the planet. There I was, slightly drunk, squinting at the sky with my impaired eyes, mouth slightly open in pure wonder at just how many tiny lights shone down on us in that second.

It was funny really, because we had just been discussing tax and the effects of life, death and money on the middle class, and outside we walked to be greeted by natures display on how insignificant tax and money is in this grand scheme of life in which we all play the starring role.

The stars, for me, have always been beautiful, so far away, gazing down on us and sprinkling hope, beauty and light. Nature is so powerful, breathtaking - it can erase all the worries we have in life because it is just so much more significant. This experience reminded me that whenever things are getting too much, when the stresses of modern day life are wearing you down, take some good company or go completely solo, leave the phone at home and go see some awe inducing sight of nature - whether that is a waterfall, a sunset, a starry night sky or the glistening diamonds that play upon the surface of moving water - I can personally guarantee you will feel better.

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