Monday 18 January 2016

The Year of Dreams & Dreamers

2016. I have been waiting for you.

Apologies - if there are any readers still out there, thank you for your patience, I am back. One Christmas day, a messy New Years Eve, 2 exams and a snowboard holiday later and I am back bitches.

So, Twenty sixteen, let's get cracking. The year that I graduate and FINALLY break free from the shackles of education - the year that I can write to my hearts content, hop on a plane when I have a spare bit of cash, work shitty jobs and shitty hours just because I CAN!
Because I wont have a horrendous 2-hour university lecture in the morning!
Because I will never ever have to sit an exam ever again!

Even though freedom doesn't exactly kick in until the 22nd June, (I still have 2 more exams and a two month stint in  Manchester - with a crazy relative I have never met - to get through) I cannot tell you how excited and optimistic I am about this year ahead. I have plans, dreams, ideas, and I know that I can make them a reality - and SO CAN ALL OF YOU! Dig those bloody dreams out of the closet and wear them every day - if it's travelling to the Himalayas and building a hut, go for it, if it's defying your severely right-wing conservative parents by getting a septum piercing, go for it, or even if it's just going mental and having that extra sugar in your morning coffee, I challenge you to grasp it by the horns and enjoy it, we are the one animal on this earth that wasn't really put here for any other purpose than to fuck things up - so I say do whatever the hell it is you want to do because you will only end up wishing you had done it - plus the people who have no sugar in their coffee are exactly that - bitter.

What on earth has spurred this crazy optimism you ask?
It is because I have turned a corner, Instead of stupid health promises we make to ourselves at the beginning of a new year that end up as neglected as those £40 running leggings you bought, I have decided to be more optimistic, to spread crazy joy instead of scowling at those who dare smile. I am the person with three sugars in my coffee, and I intend on sprinkling that damn sugar wherever I go (if you get my drift here.)

Also, I have a goal. Inspired by my parents dragging me around Europe in a box, (not literally I might add) and by my love for the lifestyle of the beat poets and blogger Foster Huntington, I am aiming at some point in 2016 to have saved enough for a Volkswagen Autosleeper Trident - for those who aren't automobile savvy, it is a campervan. I plan to save every penny I can, because I know that the day I can afford to slap that money down and drive off into the sunset in something that is truly mine, is the day I will feel like I have really accomplished something, To buy myself something that will take me (and hopefully Kai, if he's still hanging in there) out on the open and endless roads, allowing us to stop wherever, whenever, waking up to the views of a beach, forest, or even the back of a run down bloody gas station, wherever it may be, at least I will be free, excited and alive.

Everyone says that you have to go through the lows to get to the highs, but I am beginning to disagree - we make our own highs. All it takes is some good old optimism and good company. I believe there is something massive to be said for last minute plans with the most unexpected people, (Without wanting to sound like a white girl meme) in 2013 I was an insecure popular bitch, scared of (anything)heights trying to fit in, now I'm a love-spreading inner-hippie doing what I can to avoid mainstream bullshit jumping off kickers and cliffs, and I will say it, i'm proud of myself, I love the person that I have become and I'm beginning to love the life that I'm living.

Other goals that I have mentally set for 2016 are:
Learn French
See the Northern Lights
Start my first novel (yup, I'm dreaming big)
Complete my first Ski season
Make my loved ones feel loved

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