So - it's almost here - 15 more days and I leave the UK for 6 entire months! I have been getting a lot of love from all of you readers lately, and I cannot tell you how much it has spurred me on. You're probably all wondering what the hell I got myself into during the last couple of months and without spilling the contents of my personal life everywhere, I can tell you that it was a fleeting, toxic relationship that almost lead to me losing my identity and being left completely used and alone - it almost lead to me sacrificing this ski season that I have worked towards for the last couple of years (I know, I was clearly brainwashed.)
My promise from here on out is never to lose myself again - I'm back with my mental health intact and my mojo very much revived. Now it's time to get restless again, to travel, to meet new people, and on the more concerning side - fit 6 months into 20kgs worth of hold baggage.
I feel as though it's all finally happening, that my life is on the edge of beginning, I'm about to experience quite possibly some of the best days of my life, ever. So, to make sure I do this the right way, I've managed to compile a to-do-list with a sentimental twist.
1. Proper Goodbyes
I know I'm not exactly moving to Fiji for the rest of my days, but I still feel it's important that I say goodbye properly to those I will miss most. I'm spending more time with my family and making time to see old friends, it's always important that we make our loved ones feel loved, regardless of any time apart.
2. Organisation is Key
Yes, I'm a control freak, and Yes, I'm slightly OCD so, boring things like health checks, a good ipod update and making sure all of my information is correct will put my mind at ease before I travel.
3. Home Comforts
So this is the one that's freaking me out slightly - WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT MY OWN PILLOWS? I am not materialistic or precious but when it comes to my latex foam pillow I am incredibly protective. (Still the best relationship I've had to date). Also, I'll be packing things like photographs, branded toiletries, lots of Ribena, my dog, my campervan, just the basics.
4. Addresses
So it's not like I'm going Bear Grylls on everybody and cutting myself off from the outside world, but I am making sure that I compile a list of addresses of those I will write to during my stay - even if it is just to send a smug Christmas postcard to the restaurant I work at (HA).
5. Dropping off the baggage
Not only will I be doing this at Manchester airport at about 6.30am on the 17th November, I am also shedding any emotional baggage that I don't want to take with me. I'm 20 years old and I am about to embark on my first great adventure, and I am doing it completely carefree and wide open to anything thrown at me, youth is a time to be selfish and I'm currently realising just how important that is.
6. Get Excited
Finally, when all the above is done - I will allow myself a good few days to be beside myself with excitement, I might even squeak a little bit.
It's funny, how the American outdoor enthusiast, John Muir, had no idea how iconic his words would be when he penned a letter to his sister. He also had no idea how perfect it would summarise my current situation - the mountains are calling, and I must go, I have spent the last 15 years in solid education, I have been in serious relationships since the age of 14, I have just finished an intense, accelerated law degree. The mountains are practically bloody begging me.
In all seriousness, what is calling to me most is my own instinct that this is going to be the start of something amazing. A work colleague said to me that I should go on this ski season because 'that is you, that is what is inside of you, and you can't be ready for anyone else in your life until you have done what it is that makes you yourself' and I couldn't agree more. Work and relationships can wait - putting myself first can't.
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